Dear Participants of The Goldfire Group Round Table Discussions,

Requests for more round table discussions hit my desk last week.  More than willing to add the subjects of “Health & Education” to our Agenda.

Councillor Jennifer Rice wants to attend on Tuesday 11:30am and Friday’s meeting @ 12;30pm.  With the opening of a new high school,  “Education” will also be added to our Agenda.  Knowing the effects of a hospital no longer being built in Jennifer’s ward, “Health” also will be on our Agenda.    Both round table discussions will be held by yours truly @ the Cactus 🌵 club on Jasper Avenue.

Now, this leaves Thursday open if you require a separate discussion on matters important to you and your community, we can book that day too.  You may also bring another guest with you if desired to any of the above dates.

Let me know what works best for you.  More round tables are expected to take place last week of this month and the beginning of next.
f you would value a one on one, face to face, email: gr********@th**************.com or contact via text on my cell.

The Agenda:  The needs of Northmount Community League, Tackling Homelessness (More Navigational Centers & Shelter Spaces needed), Affordable Community Housing (Seniors & Veterans), Developing Vibrant Neighborhoods, Safer Communities (Security, Background Checks, Health & Wellness), Landlord Responsibilities(HVAC & Ceiling Fans), Saving Edmonton’s Historical & Iconic Buildings, (Their important role in the in the face of resent climate events) will all be on The Table.

Lunch is on me.  I’ll be available after lunch if anyone would like to further the discussions.

Next series of round table discussions will focus in on project costs, savings, future events and revenue generating opportunities.  All three projects, The Iconic Edmonton Coliseum, The Citadel theater, The Original Royal Alberta Museum (RAM).
Best Regards,

Greg N Reimer
CEO President & Head of Business Development
The Goldfire Group

📍 Address: Edmonton, AB
📞 Office: (780)457-0799
📱 Mobile: (780)556-8097
🔗 Community Project:

The Gold Fire Group