
RENT Auto Repair Website

This Auto Service Website is Fully Hosted, Pre-Installed, Secured, and Business Ready. It can be either be Rented Monthly, Yearly, or Purchased directly.

It includes a Elementor Auto Industry Template Kit created especially for mechanics, automotive repair shops, car repairs, auto services, car maintenance, garages, and other sites related to cars and auto services. The Mechanic Template Kit has a beautiful and unique design with a 100% mobile responsive layout! See Full Details in the Info Tabs Below.

See the Auto Service Website Live Demo Ready for your Content!


Auto Repair Website Rental: + (Hourly Onboarding, Customization, Additional Development Fees – See Payment Terms for Full Details.)

This Fully Hosted Auto Repair Website comes pre-installed, secured, and available for purchase. An hourly rate will apply for all additional maintenance content, design, features, branding, and all other required development applicable to your business. It also includes a 1 Year Licence for Elementor Pro and Rankmath Pro. Save an Enormous amount of Time with this Pre-Installed Turn-Key Auto Repair Website.

Domain Name Change: The Primary Domain Name can be changes to any domain you wish. We can assist with helping to aquire a suitable domain of your choosing. 

Existing Domain Names: If you already have a Domain Name hosted elsewhere, No Problem. We can assist in getting your Domain Name(s) pointed to your new Auto Repair Website.

What’s Included in the Auto Repair Website Package:
Website Hosting
Email Hosting
SSL Website Security Certificate
Elementor Pro – 1 Year
Rankmath Pro – 1 Year

Elementor Page Builder Pro: – Elementor Page Builder Pro – Elementor is the #1 Page Builder on Earth for good reason. It is the ultimate toolbox for the creation of epic web pages, landing pages, lead captures, forms, pricing tables, and everything else you are likely to need.

Rankmath Marketing Pro: – Unlock the maximum marketing potential of Rankmath. – See Free Vs. Pro Features

Free Tools Installed & Configured:
Appointment Form
Tools & Plugins
Pre-Designed Sections
Pre-Designed Blocks
Pre-Designed Widgets
Firewall Protection
Malware Protection
Spambot Protection

Live Demo of All Available Template Kit Pages

Modern & Clean Design
Ready to use templates
Fully Responsive Layout
Fully Customizable
Cross Browser Compatibility

Templates Pages Included for Use:
Home x4
About Us x4
Services x2
Single Services x2
Our Team x2
Pricing x2
Contact x2
Sections & Blocks
Popups / Lead Captures

Website Rental Terms: $99 Per Month + (Hourly Onboarding, Customization, Additional Development Fees)

Payment is required prior to service & activation. An appropriate retainer will also be required based on the number of additional content, images, features, and requests.

Monthly Rental Payment – Additional Monthly Payments will be required on or before the 1st of each month. A 10% Late Fee will apply to all late payments. Failure to make payment within 7 days of the 1st of the month will result in the website being placed in Maintenance Mode. Once Payment is received, the website will be fully restored. Advanced Payments can be made to avoid late payments. Applicable Discounts are included in the various monthly purchase options.

To secure a position in scheduling, payment will be required prior to onboarding & customization. An additional hourly rate applies for all additional development, features, and all other requirements applicable to your business. A reasonable Retainer Invoice will be issued upon assessment of overall additional requirements.

A Payment Receipt will be sent followed by fully detailed invoice receipts once all outlined work is completed. Payment(s) can be made via Checkout or Interac Email Money Transfer.

For enhanced Security, Automatic Deposit has been enabled for all Email Money Transfers. Please make payable to

Thank You For Your Business 🙂

The Goldfire Group provides services to you subject to the following terms and conditions. If you utilize such services in any way, you automatically accept the terms below. Please read them carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time:

Terms of Service

The final cost of any initial website will vary a great deal depending on the level of design, development, features, styling, functional, customizations, integrations, and unique requests being asked for and required by any Business. Beyond initial consultation, The Goldfire Group cannot be expected to provide complimentary ongoing consultation or training in regards to WordPress, Hosting, Security, Business Development, or any software, scripts, plugins, or addons that were used during overall development. Since there is no end to web development or marketing in general, The Goldfire Group cannot be expected to provide every remaining configuration, additional ongoing development, or any other features required during the lifetime of the applicable website outside of the services originally agreed to. Any services requested outside of the initial purchase are subject to additional costs.

Due to the highly customizable and technical nature this work, final initial costs largely depend on many factors such as the overall stage the Customer is at in their web development, marketing, workflow, eCommerce, or Business. The amount of hosting & domain management, pages, products, images, styling, advanced functional, and other content required is also a major contributing factor as to overall initial costs. Other factors such as adhering to pricing models, integrations, custom requests, special features, form development, autoresponders, and so many other factors all take time to implement. In order to stay within a certain budget, the best approach is to determine the bare minimum initial costs required at each stage the Customer is at in their web development and marketing.

Every additional customization or functionality requested after the fact are all additional factors that will need to be accounted for within the configurations and programming. If the Customer needs to stay within a certain budget per month, all non-essential or additional customizations can be scheduled for after publishing time or as part of additional future orders.

Design / Styling / Formating, Structuring

The overall look and feel of the initial website design is usually largely a result of what is provided by the chosen Theme / Template. The Goldfire Group will recommend one or more industry-related or relevant themes to choose from based on a combination of technical and optimization factors. Once the initial theme is established, The Goldfire Group can assist to make any color adjustments, applying additional styling, and applying additional topography and font setting. It is the Clients responsibility to provide all content applicable to the business. The Goldfire Group can assist if replacing any demo text and images provided by the theme that will not be needed or desired. If specific colors, fonts, and exact structuring is required, the Client must provide such instructions prior to services commencing. Otherwise, all will be chosen for the client during initial development. Any changes thereafter will be considered billable custom revisions.

Website Errors

Since conflicts, errors, and issues can arise during development or updating to later versions of plugins, The Goldfire Group will not be held accountable for any plugin conflicts, site outages, security issues, login issues, spam, or any other technical issues of any kind that arise during or after development or maintenance. Working through issues is a big part of web development, marketing, and eCommerce. The Goldfire Group will be available (schedule permitting) at an hourly rate to troubleshoot, work through, issue and manage support tickets, and provide any follow-ups after the initial project is completed. An additional hourly rate applies to all additional support, troubleshooting, maintenance, requests, and additional development outside of any estimate, package, or hour of work initially requested. No additional purchases are necessary following the purchase of the initial package(s) or hourly services. Since every business is at a certain stage of web development and digital marketing, additional packages will be recommended instead.

The Goldfire Group can be hired further to address any future Web and Marketing-related errors and will respond within a reasonable timeframe based on the severity of the issue.


The Customer agrees to not disrupt The Goldfire Group scheduling with unrealistic demands or turnaround times. Future web development and marketing-related requests and tasks are recorded and will be executed at the prioritization level within a realistic timeframe. The Client understands that The Goldfire Group has a pre-existing schedule and other customers. Any rush orders, evening work, or weekend work will be assessed and performed based on overall prioritization measures and the current schedule.

Logins / Passwords:

All digital assets, logins, passwords, domains, or supplied content is owned solely by the Customer and will be available upon request. All logins will be sent securely and should be downloaded immediately before the download expires.

Software Licences / Renewals:

The client will be required to renew all monthly or annual subscriptions & licenses required by the hosting provider or any additional software, theme, plugins, domain names, or addons of any kind required in order for the website to function.


The Goldfire Group is fully committed to remaining your goto agency for all website technical matters. However, The Goldfire Group cannot be expected to continuously manage all admin-based maintenance, emails, renewals, spam, security, updates, and every other web or marketing-related matter free of charge. An Hourly Rate applies to all troubleshooting, support ticket management, or technical assistance of any kind. Maintenance packages are available at a periodic, monthly, or one-time cost or provided by The Goldfire Group Affiliates and Partners.

Commercial Usage of Images & Content:

The Customer guarantees any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork provided to The Goldfire Group for inclusion on the website or marketing campaigns are owned by the Customer, or that they have received permission from the rightful owner(s) to use each of the elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend The Goldfire Group and its subcontractors from any liability or suit arising from the use of such elements.

Disruption of Programming, Development, Features, SEO Work, and Other Site Conflicts

The Goldfire Group is not responsible for the Customer overwriting website configurations, code, performance measures, or SEO work on their website that was already provided/optimized).

Any changes done by the Customer or any other party member that disrupts the website, headers, titles, tags, code, configurations, workflow, or any other functional whether it be structural, content or marketing related in nature and results in needed repairs will be fully billable to the Customer.

The Goldfire Group cannot be responsible for any damages caused by the installation of plugins, modules, or scripts installed by the Customer or any other party. The Goldfire Group also cannot be held accountable for any damages or website outages that lead to any loss in sales due to plugin conflicts, database errors, WordPress errors, domain name errors, software bugs, and faulty plugins, or server outages.

The Goldfire Group may recommend the use of or purchase of tools and services to aid in web development or marketing efforts. All Fees for plugins, software, marketing tools, or special upgrades to aid in web or marketing efforts are herein payable by the Customer upon approval. No fees will be accrued without the Customer’s approval beforehand. The Goldfire Group Agency Licences may be available at a discounted rate for certain tools.

The Goldfire Group cannot be held accountable for any hidden clauses provided by plugin providers, directories, or software vendors that result in unexpected fees towards the Customer but will make every effort to prevent them.

Marketing Section:

For the purposes of receiving SEO services, the Client agrees to provide and or agree to the following:

  • Administrative/backend access to the website for analysis of content and structure.
  • Permission to make changes for the purpose of optimization, and to communicate directly with any third parties needed to perform the marketing set forth
  • Access to existing website traffic statistics for analysis and tracking purposes.
  • Permission to manage an admin email account to manage all marketing duties.)
  • Authorization to use client pictures, logos, trademarks, website images, pamphlets, content, etc., for any use as deemed necessary by The Goldfire Group for search engine optimization purposes.
  • If the Client’s site is lacking in textual or visual content, the Client will provide additional text images, and other content if and when required in electronic format for the purpose of creating additional or richer web pages to aid marketing and conversion efforts.

The client must acknowledge the following with respect to SEO services:

  • All fees are non-refundable.
  • All services, documents, recommendations, and reports are confidential.
  • The Goldfire Group has no control over the policies of search engines and their algorithms or the type of sites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. The Client’s website may be excluded from any directory or search engine at any time at the sole discretion of the search engine or directories.
  • Due to the competitiveness of some keywords/phrases, ongoing changes in search engine ranking algorithms, and other competitive factors, The Goldfire Group does not guarantee #1 positions or consistent top 10 positions for any particular keyword, phrase, or search term for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Google has been known to hinder the rankings of new websites (or pages) until they have proven their viability to exist for more than “x” amount of time. This is referred to as the “Google Sandbox.” The Goldfire Group assumes no liability for ranking/traffic/indexing issues related to Google Sandbox penalties.
  • Occasionally, search engines will drop listings for no apparent or predictable reason. Often, the listing will reappear without any additional SEO. Should a listing be dropped during the SEO campaign and does not reappear within 30 days of campaign completion, The Goldfire Group can re-optimize the website/page at the regular hourly rate based on the current policies of the search engine in question.
  • Some search directories offer expedited listing services for a fee. If the Client wishes to engage in said expedited listing services (e.g., paid directories), the Client is responsible for all paid for inclusion or expedited service fees. All 3rd party listings should be discussed prior to implementation to prevent marketing conflicts and duplicate content penalties. In some cases, The Goldfire Group can provide research and consultation services in regards to sourcing, comparison, and review of 3rd part marketing agencies & the exact services they will provide to ensure it coincides with current efforts.
  • Linking to “bad neighborhoods” or getting links from “link farms” can seriously damage all SEO efforts. The Goldfire Group does not assume liability for the Client’s choice to link to or obtain a link from any particular website without prior consultation.

Any changes done by the client or any other party member that disrupts the SEO work, marketing tracking scripts, or any other marketing-related work in that results in needed repairs will be fully billable to the client.

The Goldfire Group cannot be responsible for any damages caused by the installation of marketing plugins, modules, or scripts installed by the client or any other party. The Goldfire Group also cannot be held accountable for any damages or website outages that lead to any loss in sales due to software bugs, faulty plugins, or server outages.

The Goldfire Group may recommend the use or purchase of tools and services to aid in marketing efforts. All Fees for plugins, software, marketing tools, or special upgrades to aide in marketing efforts are herein payable by the client upon approval. No fees will be accrued without the client’s approval beforehand.

The Goldfire Group cannot be held accountable for any hidden clauses provided by marketing plugin providers, directories, or software vendors that result in unexpected fees towards the client but will make every effort to prevent them.

Customer Involvement

The Goldfire Group cannot be expected to perform Web Development, Ecommerce, or Marketing duties without the participation and feedback of the business requesting the services. Every business and industry varies in terms of functional requirements. The Goldfire Group cannot be expected to automatically know your industry and the needs of the business or generate content without the active participation of the Customer. The Customer agrees to answer any questions and provide what is needed to The Goldfire Group to further web development, eCommerce, and marketing efforts.

Customer Conduct / Behaviour:

The Goldfire Group will not tolerate any disrespectful or abusive behavior, unrealistic demands, haggling, or badgering of any kind. Any such behavior is subject to immediate termination of services.

Refund Policy:

Website Packages are available at a one-time cost. All additional services are provided on a strictly hourly basis. The Goldfire Group cannot be responsible for unexpected abrupt Client decision changes at any stage of the web development or onboarding process. No refunds are possible once a deposit has been made & services have been scheduled, commenced or on any services already rendered. Full Payment will be required prior to publishing.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Ending your relationship with The Goldfire Group

The Terms will continue to apply until terminated for viable reasons by either you or The Goldfire Group as set out below.

If you want to terminate your agreement with The Goldfire Group, please advise the reasoning in writing to The Goldfire Group email address

The Goldfire Group may at any time, terminate its legal agreement with you if:

(A) you have breached any provision of the Terms (or have acted in a manner which clearly shows that you do not intend to, or are unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms); or
(B) The Goldfire Group is required to do so by law (for example, where the provision of the Services to you is, or becomes, unlawful); or
(C) the partner with whom The Goldfire Group offered the Services to you has terminated its relationship with The Goldfire Group or ceased to offer the Services to you; or
(D) The Goldfire Group is transitioning to no longer providing the Services to users in the country in which you are resident or from which you use the service; or
(E) the provision of the Services to you by The Goldfire Group is, in The Goldfire Group opinion, no longer commercially viable.
(F) behave in a disrespectful manner or rudeness towards The Goldfire Group.
(G) make unrealistic demands or expect The Goldfire Group to perform services that exceed the allowable budget.

Nothing in this Section shall affect The Goldfire Group rights regarding the provision of Services of these Terms. When these Terms come to an end, all of the legal rights, obligations and liabilities that you and The Goldfire Group have benefited from, been subject to (or which have accrued over time whilst the Terms have been in force) or which are expressed to continue indefinitely, shall be unaffected by this cessation. The terms & conditions above are subject to updates without notice.

Greg Reimer

The Gold Fire Group